To simplify the update process, we designed Whatsmail to allow updates directly within the application, similar to an operating system. Below is a video guide on how to update to the new version of Whatsmail.
Warning: If you encounter an error while entering the application update section, please go to your database, access the licenses table and version_code column, and fill in the appropriate version. To determine your current version, estimate the date of purchase and check the change log menu for reference.
You may also face issues when downloading a new version and being redirected back to the homepage. This usually occurs because there are files in the public/uploads/upgrade directory. Make sure this directory is completely clean.
If the directory is clean and the error persists, run the following command: find public/uploads/upgrade -name ".DS_Store" -delete
You may also encounter issues during the final stage of the upgrade process. This is usually due to server permissions. Ensure that your system directories are configured for system access, or if you are using Nginx, make sure to set chown as www-data:www-data.